Monday, October 31, 2011

Accidentally in Chicago for a day

Not accidentally like my friend Amirali, who was too drunk to get on the right plane (flew from SanFran to Denver instead of LAX...woops - although you can't fault him as much as the airline crew that let him on the wrong plane without a boarding pass - especially since he looks like a terrorist).

No, my plane out of LAX was late because the autopilot wasn't working (lazy pilots - I drive my car without cruise control all the time) so I missed my connection to Dublin.  Ended up in Chicago for a night and a day.  Bummed about losing time with Oliver and missing trick-or-treating, but made the most of it.  Airline put me in a decent hotel and picked up my meals, but I have no baggage (hopefully it turns up in Dublin when I do).  Took a train into downtown, checked out Millennium Park.  Definitely a beautiful city - good mix of old and new architecture, and clean.  And lots of hot girls!  Go Chicago!  Also, not sure if this is common, but saw 3 different people from my train hours later while I was wandering around the city.  Could this place be that small??

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